Why You Can't Skip Breakfast If You Really Want Your Body To Change

By Katherine Crawford

Most people know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what most people don't know are the exact physiological reasons for eating breakfast.

To make matters worse, many people simply skip breakfast and have a bunch of caffeine instead.

Thus, here are 6 specific reasons on why you should never skip breakfast:

1. To stabilize mood and brain function: Skipping breakfast puts you at a higher risk for developing depression. It also decreases mental performance. And keep in mind that a poor mood will make getting in shape seem like pushing a boulder up a hill.

2. To reduce body fat: Now a lot of different things come into play here, but studies have shown that skipping breakfast increases stores of body fat. So make sure you never skip breakfast so that your metabolism doesn't slow down.

3. To maintain lean tissue mass: Cortisol is a breakdown hormone in your body. And when you skip breakfast levels of cortisol peak beyond normal levels. Once this happens, you will burn through precious calorie-burning muscle like a knife through butter.

4. For better blood lipid levels: Blood lipids are one of the primary indicators for cardiovascular health. And skipping breakfast has been shown to worsen blood lipid levels. If you have a preexisting heart condition, this can be a very bad scenario.

5. Insulin: This hormone is responsible for getting nutrients into your muscle cells and fat cells. The problem here is that if you are insulin resistant a higher percentage of nutrients will go to your fat cells. So make sure you always eat breakfast.

6. For better cardiovascular health and function: Skip breakfast and you risk worsening the health of your heart. You see, studies have shown that people who chronically skip breakfast suffer from higher rates of heart disease.

If you skip breakfast your quality of life will suffer. There is no way around this. So take action and never skip breakfast again!

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