Superfood for Weight Loss: Quinoa

By Richard Kingsley

Quinoa has been utilized as a superfood in the South American Andes since, at least, 3,000 B.C. The Incas, who relied on the seed to keep their people and armies formidable, regarded it to be the "mother of all grains." This excellent superfood has been labeled "the gold of the Incas." Even though it is broadly considered a grain, it is in fact the seed of the chenopodium plant, which is a relative of beats, spinach and chard.

It wasn't until 1984 that the seed was imported to the United States. Since that time, it's slowly and gradually obtained acknowledgement amongst health food aficionados as being a truly unique superfood. The small seed or grain is just about 2mm in diameter and it is really convenient. Incorporating it in your diet will supply you with fat loss help that's geared toward enhancing your personal well being.

The thing that makes quinoa a really healthy choice is the protein it offers. The protein quality of the seed is considered to be on par with the protein quality of milk. Simply because it, as opposed to most grains, contains each of the 8 essential amino acids which are required for tissue growth and repair. Not only is the "mother of all grains" high in protein, but it's also extraordinarily low in fat. Also, it is high in manganese, which acts as a disease and cancer fighting antioxidant in the body. Other essential nutrients that it can give you are: magnesium, fiber, calcium, riboflavin, copper and potassium.

Because the seed is protein-packed, it provides vegetarians with an remarkable replacement for the proteins found in meat. In addition, it provides an alternative to those who're allergic to wheat and that suffer from Coeliac disease. This is because the super seed is totally glutten free.

Quinoa can be prepared in numerous ways. It can be used in hot breakfast cereals, chili, salads and casseroles. It can also be utilized to replace rice and other grains and to thicken soups.

Prior to preparing the seed, it is vital that you carefully clean the seeds so that you can get rid of the saponin that coats them. Saponin can lead to a sour taste and mess up your meal. Normally, it will have been thoroughly rinsed and washed before being sold, but, it's still a good idea to clean it again prior to preparing to make sure that all the saponin is removed. To wash the seed, just stick it in a strainer and rinse it extensively for a couple minutes.

Preparing the seed is rather easy. It can be prepared and ready to eat in Fifteen minutes or less. When making it, use a ratio of 1:2, quinoa to water. 1. Add the seed and water to sauce pan 2. Bring water to a boil 3. Reduce heat and simmer 4. Cover and cook until water is absorbed (10-15 minutes).

One cup of raw quinoa will produce four cups of it cooked.

*The seed can be found in the natural foods area of any large food store. However, some stores may not have it. If that is the case, there are lots of options to order quinoa on the internet

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