The Silliest Weight Loss Products

By Athena Hunter

The market is jam-packed full of all kinds of weight loss products today. Some of these items really are designed to help people lose weight. There are lots of other products, however, that seem to be thought up for no other purpose than making a bunch of money off of people who are feeling desperate. There are a few products that happen to be so totally outrageous we decided to write about them here so that, hopefully, our readers won't fall for the false promises made by these products.

Have you seen the weight loss ring yet? This is usually a ring of silver that's been coiled around many times and is meant to be worn on your index finger. The ring is supposed to put pressure on the pressure points thought to be connected to weight loss. Science has shown that there are a few pressure points in the human body that, when touched, really can be used to help you feel better. Seabands, for example, activate the pressure points designed to control motion sickness. The concept that one band against your finger will induce your body to actively lose weight is stupid.

Have you found the neck line slimmer yet? This is a item that, apparently, designed to help firm the muscles in your neck to help counterbalance any free or hanging skin. It does this, seemingly by means of vibration. Anybody who comprehends even basic biology can tell you that when the skin on your race and neck stretches out there is little that you can do to get the skin firmed back up and onto your face. If you are concerned about the skin on your neck, speak with your doctor.

Have you already found the Belly Burner Weight Loss Belt? This belt, apparently, uses heat to assist you to literally melt off the fat as you wear the belt itself. From what we can see, the belt is manufactured to "heat the core" which, evidently, will make your weight fall off because of...what? We have yet to truly determine that out. While we could let you know that working up a sweat can actually help you burn some calories, there isn't any guarantee that they can only be burned off in the same area that you are wearing the belt. A quick talk with your doctor should verify that this product isnt meant to do anything more than get your money.

The actual truth is the fact that there are all kinds of people who only want to get their hands on your money. They know that you feel vulnerable about your weight and that you are desperate to lose it and they prey on that vulnerability and desperation. A massive amount people want nothing more than to shed weight but don't want to do the work that it takes to get them there. If this process were really simple, there would be a lot fewer people getting taken advantage of. The simple fact is that losing weight is not simple. No accessory, little bit of clothing will make it happen for you.

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