Hemorrhoids Pain Relief - Tips To Soothe Painful Piles

By Rand Fortescue

Although it may be an embarrassing topic, millions of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. Contrary to popular belief, almost anyone can get hemorrhoids. There are many different ways that you can get hemorrhoids. Literally anyone can get hemorrhoids. Sometimes they are temporary while other cases are permanent. If you are one of the unfortunate individuals suffering from hemorrhoids, you are surely seeking hemorrhoids pain relief.

Pregnant women experience hemorrhoids due to the amount of pressure being forced down on their pelvic muscles. The unborn child shifts its weight and pushes down in sharp motions, forcing the hemorrhoids further out. Typically, once a woman gives birth, the hemorrhoids will go away. However, there are times that women may not see them disappear after birth. The strain of bearing and pushing down during the child birthing process may cause permanent injury.

People who are overweight are also at risk for getting hemorrhoids. The constant weight bearing down on the rectum causes the tissues and veins just inside of the anus to swell. When you push frequently, these veins can stretch and permanently become swollen.

There are internal and external hemorrhoids and not to confuse the issue, be aware that internal hemorrhoids can come out of the body. Chronic constipation and IBS can cause lifelong issues with external hemorrhoids that have become hard.

While internal hemorrhoids may start inside the anus, they may end up coming out. External hemorrhoids start out as swollen, inflamed veins and end up being hard and immovable. External hemorrhoids usually get worse over time to the point that they must be removed by a physician. There are a number of ways that your doctor may go about removing the external hemorrhoids. Most of them will require an outpatient surgical procedure.

You can choose either ointments or sitz baths to help ease minor pain and irritation. There are also wipes that are available that will help ease the burning and itching sensations brought on by hemorrhoids. You may find help from taking anti inflammatory medications over the counter, too. You must be careful, though, as bleeding is a part of hemorrhoids that you don't want to exacerbate. Try using stool softeners in pill form or drink mix. This will help you pass waste from your system and reduce the amount of pushing you have to do to have a bowel movement.

You can also make changes to your diet to aid in the relief of pain from hemorrhoids. Eating a diet high in fiber is recommended by those who suffer. Try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and limit your intake of overly processed foods. Also make sure to drink plenty of fluids as this helps your body pass waste easier. If you find that you are not getting relief from these methods or from over the counter pain relief medications, it is time to seek professional help. Ask your health provider about hemorrhoids pain relief.

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