Health Benefits of Becoming a Vegetarian


There is no nutritional necessity for optimal human health which cannot be obtained from plants. Animal foods are higher in fat particularly saturated fats than food derived from plants.

Meat contains some carbohydrates, but it does not contain very many complex carbohydrates that are essential for a healthy body. There is also relatively low level of minerals and vitamins in meat. The vitamins and minerals that meat does contain can be found in a wide variety of vegetables.

Because animals are higher up the food chain than plants they tend to contain higher concentrations of chemicals than plant foods.

There are many different drugs used to rear animals, including antibiotics, growth hormones and steroids. These drugs are consumed in a diluted form when their flesh is eaten. Animals have a host of bacteria, parasites and viruses, some quite dangerous ti humans. Some of them survive the drugs used to keep them at bay, the slaughter process and cooking. These micro-organisms exist on plants but to a much lesser degree.

Plant foods need less careful storage and they last longer than meat does without refrigeration. Plus it is obvious when plant food have gone off, but less so with meat. Is far harder to inadvertently get food poisoning from vegetables than it is from eating slightly off meat.

Building your diet around fruits and vegetables instantly gives you a healthier diet. That is the main reason why most vegetarians avoid obesity and the host of diseases that result from not eating a healthy diet and being overweight.

Plant food usually transitions through the body far more quickly and completely than meat does. Fruit and vegetables are high in fibre, so bowel health is usually better in older vegetarians than older meat eaters.

There is growing evidence that vegetarians healthier diet leads to longer lives. Not only that they usually stay healthier for longer as a result.

A lot of vegetarians feel happier with their life choices than some meat eaters. Some eaters suffer from some form of guilt, at some stage in the life, because of the fact that their choice means that animals have to be killed to enable them to do so.

Because a vegetarian diet naturally gives rise to a healthy diet meaning many vegetarians stay slimmer than meat eaters. They have to think less about their diet, just needing to avoid eating too many dairy products.

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