Why He Is The Best Dentist Houston Has

By Marsha Silva

Throughout your entire life you have listened to people talking in terrified voices about their latest (or impending) visit to their orthodontist. These wild tales sound more like pulp fiction, with sadistic doctors and unearthly machines poised evilly above restrained victims. It all sounds crazy to you. But then you have the best dentist Houston offers.

Your parents explained it all to you. Once your adult teeth grow in, that's it. You don't get any others, so you have to be careful to take good care of them. The concept of taking care of something necessary and irreplaceable was an easy one for you to wrap your little mind around, and the lesson stuck.

Thirty years later you still practice the best oral health routine that you can find the time for. You brush your teeth after nearly every meal, and you are one of the few people in the world who isn't lying when they tell their orthodontist that they floss regularly. You attend your check ups whenever they are scheduled, and for the most part you relate to your orthodontist in the same way as any other business professional.

Perhaps the reason you don't share the horrified sentiment of your peers is that your doctor maintains a running commentary as he works. The mystery, and therefore a lot of the uneasiness, is removed by the simply act of narrating the procedure and describing what work is actually being done in your mouth. He doesn't expect you to participate in the discussion, but you get the feeling that he is allowing you to participate in you care more effectively by doing this.

It doesn't hurt that this man has been your doctor for your entire adult life. Surely that level of personal familiarity with the dental professional and his office would result in less stress and nervousness. We fear the things we don't understand, so perhaps information removes fear.

Some doctors try too hard to make their offices and operating rooms friendly and non-threatening. They often go too far, though. Blasting top forty music and offering a selection of movies to watch is nice, but it strikes you as more appropriate to teenagers or children who may require significant distraction.

What you find so comforting and inspiring about the best dentist Houston has is that he is quietly confident and professional. You don't need party tricks to feel okay in the chair, it's always been good.

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